Enda O’Donoghue – “Is Feeling Lucky!” – hunchentoot Galerie, Berlin

Enda O´Donoghue: "Too Slutty?" (2010) Oil on canvas, 140 x 170 cm
Enda O´Donoghue: “Too Slutty?” (2010) Oil on canvas, 140 x 170 cm


Exhibition Opening : 10th September at 7pm 
Exhibition runs from 11th September to 16th October, 2010

The images in Enda O’Donoghue’s paintings all come from the Internet. They are all other people’s images, digitally found images. Searching through popular online social networks and blogs on an ongoing basis, he compulsively collects and catalogues photographs that he finds. The photos which he works with are most often the throw-away shots which otherwise gather digital dust buried away on hard-drives, camera chips, mobile phones or uploaded and then lost or forgotten someplace on the Web. With each image he paints he is meticulous about tracing the ownership and requesting permission, partly as a way of dealing with the anonymous nature of the Internet and also a reaction to the issues surrounding online privacy and copyright.

The process of painting from these images is slow and methodical, firstly dissecting the image into sections on paper and then working over periods of weeks or months to reconstruct the image section by section as a painting. Echoing and playing with the nature digital image processing and compression algorithms, the painting process is highly analytical and methodical and yet filled with randomness and inviting of errors, misalignments and glitches.

Enda O’Donoghue is an Irish artist who has been living and working in Berlin since 2002. His work was recently featured at the 2010 Expo in Shanghai and in 2009 he had a solo exhibition in New York at the Irish Arts Center in Manhattan. His work has also been shown in Copenhagen, Paris, London and throughout Ireland and Germany. Over the past few years he has also been involved in organising and curating a number of group exhibitions in Berlin. This is his second solo exhibition at the Galerie Hunchentoot.


hunchentoot – Galerie für zeitgenössische Positionen
Choriner Straße 8, 10119 Berlin
Tel: +49 (0)30 41 72 54 30 | Email: kontakt@galerie-hunchentoot.de

Gallery opening times: Wed – Fri 4pm-7pm, Sat 11am-6pm


Eröffnung: 10. September, 19:00 Uhr
Ausstellung vom 10. September bis 15. Oktober, 2010

Enda O’Donoghue verwendet für seine Malerei digitale Fotos aus den Internet. Diese Bilder wurden in verschiedenen sozialen Netzwerken und Blogs veröffentlicht. Er sammelt und katalogisiert die vorgefundenen Bilder, bei denen es sich in der Regel um Zufallsaufnahmen, Wegwerf-Bilder und digitalen Müll handelt, der sich auf Speichermedien und im Netz ansammelt. Mittels aufwändiger Recherche macht er die Quellen der Fotos im Netz ausfindig und läßt sich deren Verwendung autorisieren. Auf diese Weise entwickelt sich eine Auseinandersetzung um Autorenschaft, Anonymität, Privatheit und Öffentlichkeit im Internet.

Der Prozess der Übertragung in die Malerei erfolgt methodisch und langsam, indem er die Fotos zunächst in Sektoren fragmentiert. Diese werden jeweils einzeln auf der Leinwand rekonstruiert und schließlich Fragment für Fragment zu einem vollständigen Bild integriert. Auf diese Weise werden Prinzipien der digitalen Bildverarbeitung, wie die Aufteilung in Pixel oder Verdichtungsalgorhythmen in der Malerei verwendet. Dieser Prozess ist einerseits sehr methodisch und analytisch, andererseits aber immer wieder durch Fehler, Irrtümer und Unschärfen geprägt.

Enda O’Donoghue geboren 1973 in Limerick, lebt und arbeitet in Berlin. Er stellte 2009 im Irish Arts Center in New York auf und nahm kürzlich an einer Ausstellung im Irischen Pavillon der Expo 2010 in Shanghai teil. Weitere Ausstellungen erfolgten in Copenhagen, Paris, London, in Irland und Deutschland. Er organisierte und kuratierte einige Gruppenausstellungen in Berlin und zeigt seine zweite Einzelausstellung in der Galerie Hunchentoot.


hunchentoot – Galerie für zeitgenössische Positionen
Choriner Straße 8, 10119 Berlin
Tel: 41 72 54 30 | Email: kontakt@galerie-hunchentoot.de


Final work in progress – upcoming solo exhibition in Berlin

My next solo exhibition will be opening on the 10th September at Galerie hunchentoot in Berlin. The exhibition entitled “Is Feeling Lucky!” will present new paintings completed over the past 12 months. This will be the first exhibition for most of these works. Here are a small selection of images showing the work in progress from the past few weeks and some details of the individual paintings:

Evening & Elevator - work in progress, studio Evening - work in progress, detail
I found it... - Work in progress I found it... - Work in progress
I found it... - detail I found it... - detail I found it... - Studio shot  
Too Slutty? - Work in progress Too Slutty? - Detail

When a Stranger Calls a Friend of a Friend – Project 165, Toronto

“Q33 NY” (2010) – Archival ink on papyrus, 8.5 x 8.5 inches – Enda O’Donoghue

Methinks and Project 165 in Toronto are pleased to present When a Stranger Calls a Friend of a Friend: an examination of contemporary legends and the performance, transmission, form and function of modern folklore in daily life.

An international group of 30 artists presenting drawings and illustrations that document narratives, rumors, jokes, myths and popular beliefs.

Exhibition runs: August 17 – 31
Storytelling reception: August 26, 7 – 10pm

Gallery hours: Tue – Sun, 12 – 4pm

Participants include:
Aoibheann Greenan
Deena Jacobs
Eefje Ligthart
Enda O’Donoghue
Erin Pazaratz
Eric Williams
Gabrielle Charron-Merritt
Jimmy Fike
Kassem Ahmed
Katherine Verhoeven
Kristine Heilenday
Laura Berazadi
Laura Byrne
Laura Heaney
Leo Zylberberg
Lisa Ng
Meichen Waxer
Melvyn Herrick
Paddy Leung
Rebecca Phillips
Robb Mirsky
Robbie Hudson
Roswitha Weingrill
Sabrina Scott
Thomas Whittle
YooJin Guak

Curated by Ryan Ringer

General information:
Project 165, 165 Augusta Ave, Toronto, ON, M5T 2L4
Email: methinkspresents@gmail.com
Web: http://methinkspresents.org/project165
Exhibition runs: August 17 – 31
Storytelling reception: August 26, 7 – 10pm
Hours: Tuesday – Sunday, 12 – 4pm

An Éire of the Senses, Expo 2010 in Shanghai

Work by Enda O’Donoghue will be featured in the forthcoming exhibition An Éire of the Senses at the 2010 Expo in Shanghai.

An Éire of the Senses is an exhibition being held at the temporary exhibition space of the Ireland pavilion. It is organised by the 411 Galleries under the curatorship of James Ryan a locally based artist. The exhibition includes painting, drawing, video art, sculpture, photography and printmaking from 21 of Ireland’s leading contemporary artists.



The exhibition runs from the 16th to 30th June 2010 with an official opening on the 19th June.

The artists involved are John Roch Simons, Mary Yorke, Sean Lynch, Donald Teskey, Enda O’Donoghue, Michele Horrigan, Susan Connolly, James Ryan, Breda Lynch, Des MacMahon, Cecilia Bullo, Maurice Quillianan, Conal Creedon, Sean Taylor, Martin Shannon, Eamon O Kane, Robert Ryan, Sam Walsh, Noel Molloy and Barry W Hughes.



“ellipsis…” catalogue available from amazon.com

“ellipsis…” an exhibition catalogue of Irish artist Enda O’Donoghue is now available from amazon.com the ISBN for the catalogue is 978-1-452-86231-6. This catalogue was produced for the exhibition “after JoeBlogs” which was held in Galerie Hunchentoot in Berlin in 2007 and presents paintings produced between 2005 and 2007. The catalogue contains an introduction essay by Dr. Brian Coates in both English and German. http://www.amazon.com/ellipsis-Enda-ODonoghue-Paintings-2007-2005/dp/1452862311

Berlin in a Constant State of Shifting – article by Ferial Kasma

Paper Visual Art JournalARTICLE: Berlin in a Constant State of Shifting. Ferial Kasmai, a freelance journalist based in Berlin, writes about Irish artist Enda O’Donoghue and about Berlin’s thriving art scene.

“In the last couple of years, Berlin’s art scene has become a magnet for continuous stream of artists from all over the world. The city offers the perfect setting for major exhibitions, international art fairs, commercial galleries, studio visits and other events, as well as social and networking opportunities.


Berlin-based Irish artist Enda O’Donoghue discovered the city as a hot spot for contemporary art when he moved there seven years ago……”

read the full article here: http://papervisualart.com/?p=1976

der PROZESS – hunchentoot goes out 2, Berlin – 2010

hunchentoot goes out 2
Leipziger Str. 63, 10117 Berlin
Friday, 27 November, 2009 to Tuesday, 22 December, 2009


hunchentoot goes out 2


Curated by Gregor Stephan, Enda O’Donoghue

Galerie hunchentoot presents the second in a series of “off-site” group exhibitions.
Featuring the works of eight artists who play with the depictions of reality, the pieces intersect and collide to create a patchwork of perspectives. The meticulous reproduction or the systematic deconstruction of the photographic, filmic and cartographic object is itself a translation process, one that attempts to reconfigure a part of reality with a personal set of rules. It in turn requires re-translation on the viewer’s part for the art to acquire a significance beyond that of the original maker.

The pieces in Der Prozess demonstrate “other” representative potentials of a familiar medium by thorough breakdown: a large football stadium made up of controlled paint drips, an entire Kubrick film flattened frame by frame into a hypnotic colour matrix. They ultimately offer a challenge of interpretation, a reality filtered and arranged by the art producer, whose perception is decoded and contextualised by the viewer. In a way, Der Prozess not only intimates the observable mechanics on the surface of the artwork, but — perhaps more importantly — at the reciprocal acts of understanding and relaying a certain reality.

A catalogue from the exhibition “der PROZESS” is available and can be purchased directly from Blurb online publishing at http://tinyurl.com/derprozess

Publish Date  November 22, 2009
Dimensions  18 x 18 cm, 72 pages
Available as both hardback and softback

der PROZESS exhibition catalogue

A catalogue from the exhibition “der PROZESS” is now available and can be purchased directly from Blurb online publishing at http://tinyurl.com/derprozess

Publish Date  November 22, 2009
Dimensions  18 x 18 cm, 72 pages
Available as both hardback and softback

This catalogue is published on the occasion of the exhibition “der Prozess”




hunchentoot goes out 2

Susanne Pomrehn, Matthew Davis, Manfred Peckl, Dennis Neuschaefer-Rube, Enda O´Donoghue, Gregor Stephan, Marc Volk und Günter Wintgens

Leipziger Str. 63, 10117 Berlin

Opening: 27th November 2009 at 19:00

Exhibition dates: 27th November – 22nd December 2009


der PROZESS – photos from the opening

The group exhibition “der PROZESS” opened on Friday, 27th November in Berlin and will continue until 22nd December.

The exhibition is located at Leipziger Str. 63 which is 3 to 4 minutes walk from U-Stadtmitte or U-Hausvogteiplatz and near the corner of Markgrafen Str. and Leipziger Str. 

The opening times for the exhibition are: Tuesday to Friday at 4pm-7pm, Saturday 10am-6pm and by appointment.


The exhibition features the work of Matthew Davis, Dennis Neuschaefer-Rube, Enda O’Donoghue, Manfred Peckl, Susanne Pomrehn, Gregor Stephan, Marc Volk and Günter Wintgens


