Breaking God’s Heart at Liebkranz Galerie Berlin

Enda O’Donoghue – Artificial Light, 2012, oil on canvas, 180×240cm
Opening: September 7 2012 19:00
September 7 – October 20 2012
Liebkranz Galerie Berlin
Auguststrasse 62,
10117 Berlin-Mitte
Auguststrasse 62,
10117 Berlin-Mitte
Gábor A. Nagy
Juan Béjar
Adam Bota
Rudy Cremonini
Enda O’Donoghue
Adam Magyar
Stepanek & Maslin
Steffi Stangl
The Vision
Curated by Uwe Goldenstein
The artists involved in this show seem to turn to the world’s creator in order to vehemently defend their free terrain of visionary concentration. In their own way, they are attempting to retreat back towards what was once a consummate, holistic, and mystical existence. Indeed, at some point one pauses to behold the world, confronted with that titanic contribution of humanity: the total transition of the world into a thoroughly digitalized parallel reality. Not even man’s creator himself could have predicted it. That continued path into the most artificial of worlds would sink even the heart of the Maker. In contrast, this show relocates authentic experience to the redemptive shores of an island called artistic immanence. The artists of Breaking God’s Heart tread the boundaries of what is aesthetically possible: they are armed and ready to look any kind of God/Master in the eye, by propagating a magical, transmodern pantheism with maximum intensity, emotion and concentration.
Uwe Goldenstein
Uwe Goldenstein
Berlin Selected Artists: