Neither Here Nor There | Contemporary Irish 2013

Curated by Jane Hughes and Enda O’Donoghue.
Grimmuseum, Berlin
Opening: Friday 12th April 2013 at 7pm
Exhibition runs from 13th April to 5th May 2013
Artists: Mark Curran, Benjamin de Burca, Maurice Doherty, David Hedderman, Jane Hughes, Sophie Iremonger, Eoin Llewllyn, LiFeLooP (aka Séamus O’Donnell), Enda O’Donoghue and David O’Kane.
This exhibition title ‘NEITHER HERE NOR THERE’ suggests a world of ‘in-betweens’. Each of the 10 artists selected for this show in their own way, go beyond a binary form of understanding, addressing issues of history, tradition, uncertain spaces, meaning and intimacy. Binary models infuse our thinking at every level in society, as life is constantly split into various dichotomies of rich/poor, traditional/contemporary, animal/human, and so on ad infinitum. This method of categorisation seems to be the very foundation of an eschewed world view that produces an entire wasteland of disregarded in-betweens. The artists selected for this exhibition challenge these polarities in new and subtle ways.
The work of Eoin Llewellyn is heavily influenced by the history of painting, combining old techniques with images from 1900s to the present day, creating paintings which evocatively linger between past and present. In LifeLoop’s work there is also a regard for history in terms of analogue technology. In the installation ‘Infinite Loop Surveillance’, a direct audio experience of presence is created using two tape loops running on four old reel-to-reel tape machines. Two machines are constantly recording the ambient sound of the space, the other two devices simultaneously play back that recording, delayed, echoed, and then re-recorded. This work is a play on the hypothesis that the tape recordings of spaces may sometimes contain messages from the beyond, known as “Electronic Voice Phenomenon” or “Tonbandstimmen”.
The video piece ‘Stuck in the Avant Garde’ by Maurice Doherty, is a humorous snippet of the artist being stuck in the toilet for 3 hours at an exhibition opening. The footage shows the gallerist and three other people working on the lock to try and release the artist.
The exhibition includes weekly events, including a live performance of ‘Silences 8 (Echoes)’ by Tom O’Doherty and Kata Kovács on 5th May at the Embassy of Ireland in Berlin. There will be a reading by Alan Cunningham from his debut novella, Count from Zero to One Hundred, published by Penned in the Margins (London) on 19th April. There will also be two curators talks by Jane Hughes and Enda O’Donoghue on the 14th April and 21st April
This exhibition will tour to Ireland to be exhibited at the Galway Arts Centre in December 2013.
Fichtestrasse 2
10967 Berlin
Opening hours: Wed – Sun 2pm – 7pm