“Through the looking-glass” – Pantocrátor Gallery, Shanghai – group exhibition

“Through the looking-glass” / 愛麗絲鏡中奇遇
Pantocrátor Gallery, Shanghai
Collective exhibition 群展
Opening Reception
Saturday, March 21, 6pm to 9pm
From March 16 to April 3, 2015
2015年03月21日 ,星期一,6点到9点
Today, the contemporary picture is an intermediate stop between various sign processes in which it lets itself be conveyed and from the conveyance of which it comes: a relay between states of signs and designation procedures. It exists as an ephemeral moment between processes of transformation: as something that is not only conveyed, but which comes from the conveyance and is that which is conveyed. The picture has become the cache and the clipboard; it brings forth as enduring that which otherwise often disappears in production.
Anastasia Coyto (Spain)
Anne Wölk (Germany)
Enda O’Donoghue (Ireland)
Pablo Lerma (Spain)
Roland Darjes (Germany)
Pantocrator Gallery
M50. Moghanshan Rd. Bld. 4B 105. 200060